We offer prototypes from small quantities (down to one card) and with all the quality checks. We use a mixing system that enables multiple client cards to be combined in a production panel which reduces costs.
Macaos Enterprise is an online program that we offer to our customers free of charge. There you can create your own mix panel if you have several prototypes at once. This is highly appreciated by the companies that manage multiple prototype orders at one time.
Mix panels can only contain data if they have the same conditions in terms of Cu and card thickness and number of layers. In Macaos Enterprise, our customers also get a good overview of their products, prices, orders and quality documentation. In the program you can also download a pdf drawing of each layer. You can also make your own partnerships with other companies who have Macaos to let them see your designs and order them. We offer instructions of the program through a web meeting. Just contact us and we will help.
We also handle small, medium and large volume products and we can offer PCBA service.
MEPCB Offers:
Suppliers from Asia and Europe.
Very high delivery precision.
Quality documentation with the cards.